Monday 1 February 2010

The Shortest Month

So I have chosen the shortest month to complete some more of my 101 things to do in 1001 days list.

32. Post an entry every day for a month. Sorry - but I think it might be a good experiment to see where my head is really at.
58. Meditate for at least 30 mins once a week for a month
84. Write a Restaurant review and post it on a website
52. Go to the Opera
16. Tell a Stranger they are beautiful. That is if I come across anyone that inspires such a comment.
14. Make my own affirmation tape
30. Send my Aunty Syl a letter with photos
31. Send a postcard to postsecret

I am also doing a secret Sober February with GB. The reason it is secret is that last night it was my Brother-in-Law's birthday and we had dinner at Hellenic Republic - and I had a couple. And this Thursday we are booked in for the Australian Extranvaganza Whiskey Night at Baranows. So 2 nights out of the month are already fried. I am adding 2 days of March to the end to make up for it. But trying to explain that to anyone is annoying.

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