Tuesday, 16 February 2010


I have been doing my research to what would be the best method of survival if the zombie apocalypse were ever to come about. Thankfully there are quite a few thousand other people who are wondering the same thing, so there is endless nonsensical and even scientific information on the interweb for anyone who is interested.

The general consensus: Humans will not survive. However there are some models which give us a better chance than others.

Quarantine: This model ensures the demise of the human race. People are stupid and mistakes are made. It will not be possible to contain in this manner.
A cure: This give us mere humans a better chance but likely limited to the people who can afford such a thing and therefore the lower classes are left to spread the disease/virus etc.
Eradication by any means: This shoot to kill philosphy is the best chance to remove the zombies from the populace. In theory, if every person adopted this method, 10 days after an outbreak all zombies and a fair few uninfected people too should be dead (for good).

So. With the above in mind, there are couple of things I need to do:
  1. Learn to fly a helicopter
  2. Become an enrolled nurse
  3. Become efficient in the handling and shooting of various weapons, including but not limited to, a shot gun, flame thrower and grenades
  4. Increase general fitness and especially long distance running
  5. Take up urban dancing (using buildings and other props to get around quickly)
  6. Practice public speaking

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