Sunday 1 February 2009


I am emotionally unstable. That is the reason that my 101 things in 1001 days list has "see a therapist" as an action item. I have a quick and ferocious temper, I often feel despair and I also feel great joy and happiness. I cry if anyone tells me they think I am sad or if they tell me I should love myself, well I cry at pretty much anything - my anger, guilt and fear are all finely linked to my tear ducts. My therapist told me that this was ok, that I just had a high level of emotions - that although everyone has the same emotions I just "feel/experience" mine more intensely. He didn't seem worried about this. He even told me that this was a good thing.
I have stopped seeing him because I don't believe that this is good.

I feel like I need to be more than this at the moment. GB is going through a shitstorm with his family. His father died several weeks ago, his granmother is losing her independence, his mother's expectations and demands are varied and never ending. And I am struggling to be the stable "rock".

Maybe I just need to get my head out of my own arse. What I really want now is the licence and gear required so I can clamber aboard the GPX of DOOM and clear my mind by losing myself in the freedom offered by the wind against the helmet.

1 comment:

Baino said...

Hang in there. It's a horrible time for all concerned and it will settle down. Your charm is tht you ARE emotional. You ARE his rock and GB needs to realise that he can't be all things to all people. Time to be a little selfish. Get on with those bike lessons . .heh your word verification says it all "Unblat!"