Wednesday 4 February 2009

5 geeks and a girl

5 geeks and a girl attended the Trivia night at the Corner Hotel in Richmond last night.
First round was TV and movies, second round was music and third round general knowledge. After each round one person from each team were given the chance to win a jug of beer for their table. Unfortunately we had to buy all our drinks. But in the end the ROFLCOPTERS won second prize.

After each question was answered the other 5 people at my table would either read or update twitter. I sporadically attempted to engage them in conversation......... it was quite an eye opener. It appears that even if you date a geek and have had exposure to the sense of humour, the conversation topics etc, being surrounded by them can be overwhelming and boring.


Baino said...

Really? They took their laptops? I'm surprised you weren't accused of cheating! I hate Twitter, all that trivia being posted. Who cares!

Brethred said...

iPhones :)
We were accused of cheating by a table close by even though we didn't.
There are times when twitter is amazing. Like when the terroist attacks were happening in India and you could search twitter to see posts from that area etc. Live updates from all sorts of people of what was happening. That is when it becomes worthwhile