Thursday 13 December 2012


Hamburg has been lots of fun. Both of us didn't think we would enjoy Hamburg as much as we have. The Christmas Markets were very cheery and busy.  We managed to keep 3 different cups from Hamburg.  (0 from Heidelberg and 1 from Frankfurt - I might need a bag especially to bring back the market cups hahahah)

We did the walking tour the other day,  I enjoy walking tours - generally whingey people don't do them  ( my theory is they don't even consider walking around for 3 to 4 hours - which is just fine with me)  and walking around the city helps you get your bearings and gives you ideas of what you might like to add to your list of things to do etc.

We ended up eating lunch in the restaurant where the great fire of Hamburg originated (in the cigar shop above it).  Really lovely people and some traditional Hamburg fare.  But one of the best things we got out of the tour was a heads up about the free rock concert at the Fish Markets on Sunday mornings. The concert starts at about 7am in the Winter (earlier in Summer we were told) and it goes for a couple of hours.  A crowd of varying ages and social status gather in an old warehouse, with breakfast being cooked, beer being served and a band rocking out for the families and party goers fresh from the Reeperbahn.

Chris and I ended up spending the morning chatting to such revellers that had spent the night on the Reeperbahn and this Sunday morning ritual was the recovery party.  It was a fun morning and we were both a bit tiddly before 10am.

Other highlights include the Maritime Museum (it is massive and so well presented), Protoyp AutoMuseum (Chris was in heaven) and the Town Hall (Rathaus) tour.  I have seen some lovely buildings in France but this town hall is something to behold.  I don't think I ever expected beauty or opulence from the Germans, not sure why, but the works of art, the carvings and the leather wall coverings were incredible.  And it kind of spoke to how the citizens of a particular city/state are very proud of said state/city - a form of patriotism I guess.

One thing I was not really prepared for is how ever-present the war (WW2) is.  The memorials are throughout the city and the "Stumbling Stones" are throughout Europe.  Stumbling Stones are gold plaques that have replaced a cobble stone outside the former residence of a person that was taken in the war - it details their name, birthdate, where they were taken to and date of murder etc.  Yes they use the word murder.  I don't think I can articulate how the acknowledgement and continual acknowledgement of the war seems to have shaped society.  It is humbling.

Today we leave Hamburg for Berlin.  We could have done with an extra day or 2 here.  It has been put on the list of places we would return to.

Christmas Market in front of the Town Hall

Just another Christmas tree at the Town Hall Market

first big snow fall we experienced

The geek even had snow in his eyebrows 

So much fun

Then we were safely inside the fish market where we listened to a live band and drunk beer at 7am

On the way home from the Fish Market

one of the rooms of the town hall

Part of the clock tower that were saved after the bombing

St Michaels

the Reeperbahn Christmas Market

I loved the look of this police station

market food - herring and onion roll with beer chaser

town hall 

The lion figures they had on the bannisters of the town hall steps

Inside St Michaels Churh

The view from the top of St Michael's bell tower

Very top of the bell tower

we cheated and took the lift up (stairs on the way down)

The famous no men under 18 and no women allowed sign one of the side streets of the Reeperbahn - this is where the stuff you pay for happens.

St Jakobi just outside the old city limits of Hamburg - also a pilgrim stop on the trail to Santiago 

Inside St Jakobi

One of the many canals in Hamburg - more canals and bridges than even Venice we were told

one of the glühwein stalls was set up like it was in a forest - lots of fun

the main train station of Hamburg

The cutest little restaurant we found on our last night

My delicious pork knuckle and sauerkraut - and see what Chris is having....bratherring....fried then pickled herring.  After this meal he was sick for 4 days with food poisoning.

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