Wednesday 14 September 2011

Coming Home

Sometimes you are what you dislike in others. Mostly I hate it when I have one of those moments but really they are invaluable to me as a marker of why I strive to be better, why I reflect on my motivations and actions.

Today I judged someone based on their appearance/age. I could blame it on fear of having someone do the same to me. I could blame it on my low self esteem. None of that matters because I did it and then the person proved what an asshole I was, by being one of the better/nicer people I have met in years.

This person has ignited a little spark of hope in me.

1 comment:

Baino said...

Takes a while not to do that. I was sitting next to a woman at lunch the other day, half shaved hair, tattooed sleeve, grubby jeans and bare feet, just bout everything visible was piercd. She turned out to be a set decorator for Fox and working on The Great Gatsby, one of the most interesting conversations I've had with a random person in ages.