Tuesday 5 October 2010

The holiday of awesome begins

Friendly Qatar Airlines ferried our incredibly excited butts from Melbourne to Paris via a small stop over in Doha airport.

Left Melbourne around 22:00, landed in Doha around 06:30 and it was already 32 degrees. Lucky they had all air conditioners turned up to 11, even on the bus. So much so that everything was wet with condensation. It was icky and cool. We should arrive in Paris early afternoon.
The flights over were not so bad, although the last couple of hours were the hardest. The person that was sitting next to me on the 14 hour leg moved seats so GB and I had a 3 seater to ourselves - but stupidly the arm rests didn't go all the up so you couldn't really take advantage of the extra space. The service on Qatar seemed ok, certainly nothing to complain about - if you don't include the stupidity of the other passengers. Doha airport is small and I am now dreading the 6hr layover we have there. Might have to see if we can pay to get into the good bit of it. Doha from what we could see flying over and from the airport looked incredible. Sand everywhere, buildings grouped into compounds - just amazing.

15:00 arrived in Paris. Had a passport check but no customs to go through. The airport seemed huge but not as busy as I expected. I also think that perhaps I was in a bit of an adrenaline fog from the sheer joy I was feeling of being there at last.

Paris airport > Train to Gare de Nord > on foot to the Hotel Flor Rivolli

Our Hotel is in a fantastic location, room is small and accessed via a narrow spiral staircase that I am sure will be responsible for one of us ended up in a neck brace.

Last night after we had showers we headed to the Pompidou Centre and had a drink on the rooftop terrace bar. It was amazing. Very romantic! The view is said to be the best in Paris. I could see Notre Dame, the Effiel Tower light show and all the way to the Sacre Cour.
On the way there we happened by Saint Merry, where they were having an art show, it was quite amazing, we want to try and find it again today to check out some of the paintings in daylight.

We then walked up to check out the Lourve at night. I think both GB and I are a little overwhelmed sometimes when we realise the stone walls we are touching are older than anything we have touched before. I must say that the evening paints a very different picture of Paris. They know how to light their buildings to make them look magnificent. Even streets that looked a bit dodgy in daylight all of a sudden look fun.

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