Tuesday 27 November 2007

Accountants be damned

My team does ridiculous hours. 
And thanks to the new building and seating arrangements so do I!

Actually most of the team stick to the 9 hour day.  There are one or two workaholics
that not only work through their lunches but also work an extra one to three hours a day, depending on work load.

Now I am person that works to live.  I love my weekends and if I can leave work early
without it being detrimental to my workload or the team I will.  I will put in the overtime when necessary but that is it.  I want out of there asap everyday.  My team are fanaticals - they love working and they love their jobs (which is very pleasant for them I am sure).  They all glance at the clock when someone says goodbye.  And thanks to the new open-plan pods there is no quiet escape at 5pm.  

I am annoyed by this.  But I am also aware that I might be falling into the "I want more than I give trap"  perhaps living with a generation Y'er is rubbing off on me.  *shrug*


Kahlerisms said...

I think of you every day as I struggle to complete my 7.6 hour day. :P

Sucked in, Lenore!

Baino said...

Start as you mean to go on. In my experience, you are rarely rewarded for long hours. Use the work smarter not harder dictum and retain your work life balance (here endeth the first lesson)

Kahlerisms said...

Yayaya - 'work life balance'. The excuse for wandering around the internet for hours instead of working :)

Two thumbs up.