Monday 24 August 2009

Hungry Head 2009

The family gathers once a year in a place called Hungry Head. A set of cabins delightfully situated in the bush 50 meters from the beach on the north coast of NSW.
We spend alot of the time around the campfire listening to music and drinking, and as the years go by and the younger ones drive the activities more we are spending a little more time at the local pub in town.
It is the kind of place I would like to bring visitors to our Country. Where they can wake up in the morning and be welcomed to the new day by kangaroos and kookaburras. As the years go by, the Kangaroos are becoming more and more tame. This year even a mother Kanga with a jooey in her pouch let me pet her.

This year GB and I spent a little time on our own...doing some touristy stuff. We headed up to Dorrigo to check out the waterfalls, skywalk and rainforest.

We took the walk along the Urunga Boardwalk and were surprised that there was an extension built in 2006. It had been 3 years since we had taken the time to enjoy this part of what Urunga has to offer us.

A relaxing week with a dash of family tension.

1 comment:

Baino said...

Glad you had a good time. And very sorry you couldn't drop in on your way home . I even polished my floors! *sob* Next time . .